WonderLAnd-Last night was truly magical, the boys and I joined @lamommybloggertribe at an incredible holiday drive-thru experience. In Woodland Hills WonderLAand was fun, festive and enjoyed by all. Our boys were especially excited to see the Chanukah House but I have to say the joy of this season, the beautiful music and the terrific light show coordinated to the musical delights was a sweet treat for all of us ! All the feels. Go check it out it is absolutely awesome! See more of my videos of this amazing experience @cheerstonaptime on IG. Check out all the info here-https://www.westfield.com/topanga/event-detail/WonderLAnd%20%20Drive-Thru%20Adventure
#hosted #familyfun #holidaydrivethru #familyevent #drivethruexperience #holidaymagic #holidayfun #holidaylights #bloggerfun #bloggerevent #losangelesmoms

Next stop for us this week is the valley's first exclusively Hanukkah Drive-Thru experience at Stephen Wise Temple. My kids are going to flip out when their minds are blown with everything Hanukkah! (Pics and video coming next week after we go!)There's still time to get tickets just in time for the Festival of Lights holiday itself- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lit-a-drive-thru-hanukkah-experience-dec-10th-20th-tickets-129792519921