I'm so excited and honored to introduce you to my friend Georgia! Georgia is inspiring others through her work as a therapist, Mom, and parent workshop leader. Besides her kind heart, she really shows up for parents by valuing their feelings through these challenging times. We're going live on my
CheerstoNaptime Instagram to chat more about her upcoming events for parents. Please join us live this Wednesday, February 16th at 7 pm to hear more about her parent workshop on February 17th! Follow her @the_behavior_boss on Instagram and check out her website https://thebehaviorboss.com/!
Introducing Georgia Scheible!!
I’m Georgia, a mom to 3 little girls, child therapist, parent coach and behavior boss! I want nothing more than to be able to share my passion of parenting with positivity! I’ve been in private private practice for years where I work strictly with children. Now it’s time for me to help parents learn how to rule less and teach more. Follow me on Instagram and come visit my website where you can read my blogs and learn about new courses coming soon! Can’t wait to meet you!!