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Life is meant to be lived. Cherish the exciting moments, and relish in those all too brief moments of relaxation. I am here to live my own life, and live it passionately. serves as a place where everyone feels welcome and celebrated! Cheers to you and all that you are! Please sit back, relax, and read on.

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I genuinely love showcasing special people in my life here on my blog. When introducing my awesome friend Jen, this quote comes to mind :

" Kindred spirits are quiet supporters that can offer us moments of understanding, insight, and delight on the winding road of our life paths."- Aletheia Luna

As I began our Cheers to Naptime community, I was connected with friends from near, far, past, and present. That said, I reconnected with an old close friend of mine from my high school days. This friend would join me virtually for my nightly "Cheers" videos throughout the pandemic supporting my mission to spread positivity during an uncertain time. Little did I know that his wife was next to him enjoying the little doses of positivity I was trying to share with the universe. I didn't know her yet and I didn't realize that I was about to connect with a true kindred spirit. Jen reached out to me to tell me that she had been enjoying my content from afar and that we should connect. Since we met, we have truly been each other's biggest fans, encouraging the other to shoot for the stars and pivot as life throws continuous curve balls our way. I have been in awe of Jen's resilience, amazing work ethic, and compassionate heart. On her path as a health coach, I enlisted her expertise in finding healthier options to feed our family based on the things we eat regularly. Our "field trip" to the grocery store was so much fun and very informative. Catch a few videos of Jennifer and I chatting about our health journeys on my Instagram @cheerstonaptime as well as hers @jenniferstar78.

Without further ado, introducing a special human: JENNIFER CHAVEZ!!

Hi friends! My name is Jennifer and I’m a Wellness Warrior. I battled health issues for over half of my life and I ended up having my large intestine removed to save my life. After the extensive surgery, I was on a mission to find a lifestyle that fit my new needs. As a registered nurse, I thought I was equipped with all the appropriate knowledge, but I quickly found out that I had a lot to learn in the health and wellness world. With the support of the health coach program at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, my eyes opened on all the new possible ways to live a life based on my specific bio-individual needs. Empowered with a new view on how to live life to the fullest, I’m spreading awareness to help others who struggle with ailments. As a health coach, I help clients not only look at the food on their plates, we work together to review overall health, your home environment, home cooking, your social life, your relationships, financial stress, physical activity, creativity, spirituality, your career, education and joy. Since health is multidimensional and you are your own special person, I tailor my program around YOUR needs. This is not a one size fits all type of program. If you are looking for help and don’t know where to start, I am your Wellness Warrior! After you complete my program, you become a Wellness Warrior too. Together, our Wellness Warrior Community can create a ripple effect to help bring awareness to others.

After being a camp counselor and teacher for a decade before having my children, these useful tips helped me along my journey and continue to help me with my kiddos.

As I’ve mentioned before, I have three hilarious, adorable, rambunctious boys whom I affectionately call my "Hooligans". That being said, when they are in the middle of something or dealing with an emotionally charged situation it is very hard for them to listen. In these situations I want them to hear me out so I can support them in any way they need, but more importantly, I want THEM to feel HEARD by me.

I want to share with you the three ways that I use to help my children (and any child I am talking to) feel SEEN, VALUED, and HEARD.

First and foremost, I get down to their level. What does this mean? If the child is not tall enough to look you straight in the eye, you adjust your height to meet their eyes. For my youngest son that usually means I take a knee, and for my middle son I’m crouching a little bit just so my eyes meet his. Taking away this height difference can help the child feel better about whatever you have to tell them because you’re not towering over them or looking down at them while you’re speaking to them. They feel connected to you and not bombarded by you.

Number two on my list : If you are wearing sunglasses or anything that darkly covers your eyes from a child being able to see your eyes while you are speaking to them- REMOVE THEM IMMEDIATELY. A key reason behind this is as the saying goes, "the eyes are the window to the soul". If they can’t see your eyes, they don’t know the true emotion of what you’re trying to tell them. So much is told with our eyes when we are looking at somebody and talking to them.

My final tip: if you are dealing with a situation that requires some disciplinary action or mediation- when you come into the area where everything’s happening do a few things first :

Look around and assess all of the children involved and make sure you make eye contact with each of them when you ask this question- " What’s going on?" Keep your tone calm and collected. You’re simply asking a question. You’re not accusing anybody of anything, you’re just asking what’s happening so it’s open-ended and up to them to tell you what’s going on. Then approach each person involved to tell their side of the story calmly without the others interrupting. Let all the children involved know that you want to hear what this person has to say about what happened. Then you will come talk to each of them to tell you about the situation in their own words. This way it gives you time to gather all sides of the story to help work together to find a solution. If this situation is an emergency with injuries or multiple children crying these steps are escalated to fit the urgency of the events that took place. In these instances, remaining calm will be very difficult. Take into account how scared the children might feel when encountering something a little bit more serious and recognize that you are always doing the best that you can given the circumstances. As long as you help everyone feel safe as you de-escalate the situation you are moving in the right direction.

At the end of the day, children all want three simple things from anyone they encounter( but especially from their parents): they want to feel SEEN, VALUED, and HEARD.

🚨Exciting Collab Alert 🚨 Ever since that first Minion movie came out, my family and I have been bananas over the Minions🍌. I am excited to announce my exclusive collab with Erin Condren and The Mommy Blogger Tribe with these amazing planners and stationary products. My boys and I are keeping tabs on all of our important dates and writing stories together with fun colorful pens , all while the Minions smiling back at us -makes these items extra special. Check out my Instagram stories this week for your chance to win one of these items in a special giveaway from @cheerstonaptime and if you haven’t already press subscribe here on my blog!

I’ve been using these planners to organize my life since I only had one kid and that was a long time ago! With life getting crazier and busier by the minute these minions are going to help me keep up with the craziness of my life with my hooligans. I am so grateful for this opportunity to use and experience these awesome products and hope you will too!

As you are getting ready to plan your upcoming year of events there’s only one place to shop for the best planners and that's with Erin Condren. Use my exclusive exclusive link to access this unique back to school Minions collection and so much more!

 #erincondren #minions#themommybloggertribe #mommyblogger #planners#letsgetorganized

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